Shannon Lee
Hannah Lesser
Grace Kolosek
UX Designer
Frontend Developer
How might we visualize transient connections
between strangers in a novel and meaningful way?
We designed a letter archive and exchange platform that helps individuals regain the letter reading and giving experience.
Demo: Key Touchpoints
Exploring the Archive
Hovering on a dot on the map reveals the letter’s title. Click on it to read the whole letter.
Taking You on a Journey
Pathways are drawn after each clicked letter to provide users with a visualisation of a journey that connects them from one place, one memory, to another.
Viewing Tags
Clicking on tags on a letter, or searching for keywords through the search bar provides users with a interconnected web of letters containing similar contents.
Customizing Your Letter
Users can customize the color of the paper, body typeface, and add a their signature as a personal touch. This is the physical letter that would get sent out to someone special out there!
What do we miss or love about handwritten letters?
What do we look for in pen pals?
Problem Statement
Concept Overview
Part 1: Letter Submission & Exchange
The first part of this project is a digital letter submission that users can customize. This letter is physically mailed and exchanged with a stranger that lives in a different season and hemisphere of the world. If the user consents, their letter will be made publicly available (anonymously) on the archive.
Part 2: Public Letter Archive
The second part of this project is a transient archive of submitted letters that will reset every 3 months to usher in a new season of memories, connection, and lived experiences.